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4 نظر

  1. BlueBluesays:

    a ana hickman tem uma coleçao mara de esmaltes neh, essa cor eh linda tem um q vi na mão de uma moça outro dia é o Beijo Na Bo20a#8c3a;&xeeeiii lindoooo, bejins… []

  2. AundreAundresays:

    Happy and pulling for Fish to do well. Just glad he di;7d#821n&t sign with the Heat. Fish fits well with OKC. He will ensure they stay focused. Remember he’s not only a 5-time NBA Champion he’s also a 2-time NBA Finals loser. Can’t put a price tag on mentorship.

  3. KayleeKayleesays:

    I much prefer initmraofve articles like this to that high brow literature.

  4. LettieLettiesays:

    This is crytasl clear. Thanks for taking the time!